10 April 2013 at 20 Degrees of Aries, 7:35pm AEST, Sydney, Australia
New Moon cycles are when the luminaries; the Sun and the Moon, join together for birthing and commencing new beginnings. It is a perfect time to set our intentions and seed new goals and to put into action our focused plans and desires or launch a new enterprise.
This is a very potent new cycle in which we can initiate exciting new visions and boldly follow our impulses and intuition spontaneously and courageously.
Now is a great time to get passionate, self reliant, aware, and fired up by exciting new ideas. It’s a time to put into action what we may have previously received in our dreamtime, visions or meditations especially from last month's passive planetary focus in Pisces (water energy) urging us to surrender, release, let go and to make way for the new.
Recently many millions of people around the world gathered at sacred sites and in many various global communities for the Solstice in Capricorn on the 21 December 2012 to acknowledge the closing of a 26,000 year cycle and envision the shift into the Consciousness of Oneness. This is also known as the Age of Humanity, Technology and Intuition; the futuristic Age of Aquarius.
We recently had the Equinox on the 21/3/2013 which was a very significant moment in time, as the Sun moved into Aries; the first sign of the zodiac and crossed the ascendant. This is much like experiencing a rebirth or new life! It is a magical time to re-write our Sacred Contracts individually and collectively with the conscious awareness and choice.
Zero degrees of Aries is a world point that effects both the collective and individual consciousness. This new dynamic energy (Cardinal-Aries fire energy) represents a powerful time to birth positive change and new systems based on a balanced masculine and feminine, rather than the old dominating order of Patriarchy.
This Aries New Moon is a great time to be assertive rather than aggressive as we break free of old limitations.
The equinox and the New Moon charts show much change and transformation and perhaps quite a few shocks that may electrify and bring down much corruption; especially in the areas of government, corporations and the financial systems of debt/greed. These systems are no longer sustainable for the Earth and her humanity.
This is represented by the on-going and challenging aspects such as the 7 passes of Uranus/Pluto challenging each other (square) during 2012-2015. The sensitive 11 degrees of the cardinal signs will be activated in May 2013 (Aries/ Libra, Cancer/ Capricorn) and may be felt strongly in certain areas (houses) of your own chart, especially if you have planets around this degree of the Cardinal signs.
This Indicates a very powerful time of destroying the old and we are likely to see many radical new revolutionary breakthroughs that we may experience as loss or empowerment and deep transformation on a personal level. (Visit www.aumakua.biz, if you wish to find out where these are in your own chart).
This is a very challenging time for the old established order and a great time to create freedom and radical change because people around the world want reform much like the 60's (especially around the times of 1965 - 67 when many of these ideals were seeded). Revolution and awakening are necessary in order to create change and this is the domain of Uranus, which rules the sign of Aquarius and Humanity in this new age.
Breaking out of the box may be required to bring in new visionary, quirky and original ideas to break up the old conditioning. Grounding the body, improving circulation and physical movement help us to balance so that we don't space out and become too extreme. (Aries loves physical action).
It is time to “be the change you want to see” (Gandhi). Live in the Now, intuitively and knowingly and remember “we are the ones we have been waiting for.” Awaken and be Present. Discipline the lower mind and trust your Higher Self to manifest in partnership with your creative Spirit! Trust your own body (gut-feelings) and Spirit because that is your first partnership and be centred in Self rather than 'self centred'.
Be a conscious co-creator; especially now, as we are approach the stormy eclipse season which can highlight “shadows” that may need to surface in the Light. These may intensely transform old emotional and financial dependencies based on control that do not serve our highest good.
The first eclipse of this eclipse season is a Lunar Eclipse (full moon) also ruled by Mars and Pluto that occurs on the 25/26 April, in the sign of Scorpio (5 degrees). This is followed by the Taurus Solar Eclipse (19 degree) on 10 May and then the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on 25 May (4 degrees).
So with 3 eclipses and the Pluto/Uranus challenge, we need to be very flexible and aware of how to navigate through the 'birth canal' that is delivering our new world.
Like the 'Fool' in the Tarot we require trust in our Higher Self/Spirit to manifest and create as we step onto our new path with synchronicity and serendipity and the innocence of a loving child.
Eclipses can affect us for up to 6 weeks prior and many months after. They are kind of like wild cards; especially Solar Eclipses (New Moons). Lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional (full moons/completion times). They can trigger very old emotional feelings that may bring disruption, showing us where the 'shadow' or unconscious patterns may need to be integrated and balanced with the Light of Consciousness.
Pluto, who rules Scorpio (and the higher octave of Mars) is known as Lord of the Underworld and was demoted to a Dwarf Planet a few years ago. He is in the sign of Capricorn, (2008 - 2025) and is transforming corporate and government structures as well as individuals, regarding the use of power, disempowerment, empowerment.
He will slow down and appear stationary during his 'retrograde' period from the 13/4/2013 to 21/9 2013, shortly after the New moon.
Pluto retrograde, may be felt more internally, and can sometimes 'implode' to release and clear blockages. Better to allow letting go and releasing, rather than resisting, as holding on stubbornly can be destructive rather than creative.
We need to understand that alchemy of the Soul may be taking place to reveal powerful deep truths and gifts of the authentic self which may be buried beneath the surface (the gold). This deep inner transformation and change may appear as loss and letting go so the soul is able to regenerate and re-birth.
Anyone with planets near the very sensitive 11 degree of cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) may also feel this personal transformation, destabilisation and intensity through various periods right up to the end of 2014. Remember Pluto only clears what needs to be recycled and regenerated and anything that is built on a strong foundation will often remain strong.
Saturn the Lord of Karma (who rules Capricorn) is in the sign of Scorpio (till 10/2015) and is teaching us powerful lessons regarding responsibility, self control and authority. He is also in his retrograde phase from 17/2 2013 to 7/7/2013. The Grim Reaper demands we pay our dues and debts, clearing and healing any deep secret emotional issues connected to financial debt, lack, control/manipulation of shared resources. This applies especially to past issues regarding sex and intimacy, fear, death/rebirth that may require regeneration.
This paves the way for us to feel secure and stable in our own Sacred Marriage of our Feminine/Masculine trusting the Soul/Authentic Self and body to manifest with our Highest purpose. Aries rules the head and the personality and must caution running with the ego. Patience may be required! Saturn in Scorpio is also ruled by Mars and Pluto. It joins the full moon and North Node in the upcoming Lunar eclipse on April 25/26.
Neptune and Chiron are still in Pisces and are providing artistic, healing, and spiritual opportunities to assist in supporting Saturn in Scorpio in creative ways. These feminine water signs can help us to flow with love and compassion and attract abundance and intuitive gifts, when used with awareness.
These energies will also be supported by Jupiter, Lord of expansion and abundance when he goes into Cancer, at the end of June. This will be a beautiful time to manifest smoothly and easily (grand water trine) with freely flowing creative, magnetic manifesting energy that can attract magic and miracles!
Early July is another wonderful time to manifest the new consciousness with love, joy and nurturing. Jupiter is still in Gemini till 26 June, challenging Neptune and Chiron. This will us to understand the power of our spoken word, choose conscious communications and speak our truth.
Gemini loves to share information especially in social networking and through technology, yet we may need to be careful not to become addicted to mobile phones and our devices which can blur the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Mercury is still in dreamy Pisces till 15 April, so communications may still feel quite emotional and sensitive until April 15 when the messenger planet also moves into Aries where he is much more direct, frank and assertive in the pioneering sign of the Ram.
This New Moon, on April 10 is at 7.35pm (Sydney) and is a great time to set your goals! Now is the time to write your wish list for the year!
It is a powerful time to initiate your creative Will with the will of Spirit. It has a power packed gang of planets (conjunctions) all in Aries, intensifying radical new energy. The line-up is Uranus, Moon, Sun, Eris, Mars and Venus! Whether it is starting a new career/business, a relationship, physical health regime, or doing something spontaneous to break out of the old, focus on your courage and drive, to break through any limitations. Allow your “go-getter” to run independently at this heightened time of passion, enthusiasm and activity. Initiate inspiring new paths!
Trail blaze, enjoy sports, get physical and also be aware of the strong assertive warrior yang energy that would much rather compete and lead, than co-operate. Be aware not to overdo it though, which could cause frustrations / anger / violence / accidents and burn out.
Stress, headaches, torn muscles, and accidents can be prevented by taking care to be Present, and not forcing the energy or issues.
Do remember to breathe, so as not to erupt, and let us hope the Earth herself does not need to have any eruptions either. These are revolutionary times of birthing the new world of Consciousness, in the Age of Humanity and Intuition.
Venus and Mars, the lovers, and Eris; the new Dwarf planet discovered in 2003 are also conjunct the Sun, Moon and Uranus in Aries at 22/23 degrees. Eris is known as a 'Plutoid' and her discovery lead to the demotion of Pluto resulting in new astronomical categories.
She is known as the Great Disrupter. In mythology, Eris is the sister of Ares (Mars) the Greek God of war and was the one who tossed the apple that lead to the Trojan War. She is considered a shadow Goddess, ruling the night, and symbolises the difficulties resulting from suppression of the Divine feminine. Her discovery created disruption in itself and she will not join those planets again till 2045! She will also shake up any issues to help us balance our masculine and feminine energies in the very yang sign of Aries.
We must ask ourselves can we trust our inner yang masculine energy? How healthy is your Will? Can you trust your physical/sexual energy and desires to flow to higher conscious levels that are constructive rather than destructive? Can you be assertive rather than competitive or aggressive? Can you direct your thoughts/mind (Mercury) to your Higher Mind/Self (Uranus) to follow your intuitive impulses. Or does the ego drive and dominate and need to control? Do you live in your head? Do you need to balance your heart and head by nurturing you body?
Now is a time for the new paradigm to take action based on new beliefs. Birthing the new archetypes is the realm of Uranus, in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries which recently began its new 84 year cycle.
Birthing the new awareness and acting consciously is now required. We must choose to be assertive individuated Peaceful Warriors; committed to protect and balance our own Divine Feminine, not take over. This requires Love (Venus); the yin creative energy that creates, births and values regardless of our gender. Gay rights may also require acceptance.
These are very exciting times and can also be quite chaotic and revolutionary! Aries is ruled by Mars (lower octave) and rules desire/personal will. Pluto (higher octave) rules Divine Will and the creative fire energy and power to transmute. This moon crosses Uranus (9 degrees Aries), just before the new moon. Be careful of being impatient or too forceful, causing frustrations that could lead to blowing a fuse which can cause sudden feelings of alienation along with eccentric or unpredictable behaviour.
Passions could be electrifying and firing on all cylinders! So enjoy the energy of Venus and Mars and you may feel sexually attractive as well as attracting new relationship opportunities. Take risks and be spontaneous in stepping forward! This is a wonderful time as it commences the new astrological year and is a truly dynamic and exciting new cycle.
A keyword for Aries is "I am". Aries is self directed and independent. For those who have their Sun in the sign of Aries, March 21 to April 21; happy birthday! This will be a very exciting time for you. You may feel confident and positive so take advantage of this magnetic energy to manifest your passions, step up and go for it! Youthful like the spring, Aries can jump into action head first. Often acting and then thinking! It is often said they 'jump in where angels fear to tread'!
From the Universal standpoint Aries is the first impulse of the Life force into activity; the decent of the Divine spark into manifestation.
Make sure to write 10 intentions or goals to let the universe know you are ready to move ahead with your leadership and strength and pioneering Spirit.
Success is connected to action and successful people just keep moving, acting on their dreams!
Get excited! Just do it!
See you for next month's New Moon and other astrological times of interest!
You may want to take this opportunity to see where these energies are in you own chart. Where are the new opportunities opening up for you at present? So if you would like me to do your natal chart or transits, or have any questions, please email me or visit www.aumakua.biz.